Psychological & Behavioral Services for Children, Adults & Families


Diagnostic Assessment

Diagnostic assessment aims to see if the individual being assessed meets criteria or demonstrates behaviors or symptoms that would meet criteria for a formal diagnosis. Families are often seeking answers about whether their child has a certain condition, want a second opinion after their child has already been given or hasn’t been given a diagnosis by another evaluator, or are wanting answers to why their child is or is not acting or developing in a certain way. Diagnostic assessments identify areas that the client would benefit from additional support or services of some sort, and given their strengths, what may be the best approach or type of services and supports to teach them new skills. Diagnostic assessments also determine medical necessity for conditions like autism spectrum disorders.


Diagnostic assessment includes:


  • Comprehensive review of previous reports and records from school, medical doctors and specialists
  • Interview and review of developmental history and the current concerns of the family and child
  • Administration of standard tests including diagnostic tests specific to the family and child’s concerns
  • Observation of the client in different environments if relevant (i.e., home observation, school observation, observation with peers)
  • Consultation with those already providing services to the client (i.e., speech therapist, school teacher, psychologist, psychiatrist, medical doctor)
  • Full written report including background information, observations of the client, results of standardized tests, diagnostic impressions, and recommendations
  • Feedback session with family to review the findings within the written report and answer questions



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